11.   Reform Judaism also marries homosexual couples.

12.   Real reform, he says, would build in incentives for marriage by, for example, giving public housing preferences or Head Start slots to married couples.

13.   Schuster regularly counseled college students and married couples, he said.

14.   Ship captains may marry couples while at sea, but their jurisdiction ceases as soon as they hit land.

15.   The couple was married by a Congregational minister in an outdoor ceremony at Shaker Village in Enfield, N.H. McCallum wore a kilt.

16.   The ceremony was at the whim of the communist commander, who married several couples at once.

17.   The couple was married and settled in Manhattan Beach.

18.   The couple was married the next year and quickly adjusted to the rough-and-tumble pace of the rock lifestyle.

19.   The law authorizes only Orthodox rabbis to marry Jewish couples.

20.   The vagueness of this term could apply to lovers or married couples who are e-mailing one another sweet murmurs about the night before.

v. + couple >>共 885
have 11.48%
make 3.36%
spend 1.91%
kill 1.53%
see 1.45%
include 1.40%
miss 1.40%
do 1.12%
hit 1.04%
arrest 0.99%
marry 0.99%
marry + n. >>共 464
woman 11.41%
man 8.14%
daughter 3.89%
couple 2.41%
wife 2.16%
girl 2.10%
actress 1.67%
girlfriend 1.60%
people 1.42%
sister 1.42%
每页显示:    共 39