11.   The first step is a market survey to find out what different companies charge for the product.

12.   The name Fleet Boston Corp. is temporary, and will be scrapped after the new company conducts a market survey.

13.   The software giant plans to announce the results of three independent market surveys that show huge strides for its Internet Explorer browser.

14.   The young brothers have taken their business-school training and pursued customers aggressively, conducting market surveys and buying computerized mailing lists.

15.   Universities like Auburn are buying commercials on prime-time television and radio, inventing corporate-sounding slogans and basing new academic programs on market surveys and research.

16.   While market surveys show that more than half of customers want such a card, results in the field have sometimes been disappointing.

17.   WomenGamers receives money from advertising and commissions on the sale of games, and sells market surveys to game companies.

18.   ACNielsen Japan is a subsidiary of United States-based ACNielsen Corp., which measures media popularity in addition to conducting other social and market surveys.

19.   But economists said the latest labor market survey was better than expected.

20.   Currently, the group is doing a market survey on this.

n. + survey >>共 380
opinion 10.06%
government 4.61%
industry 4.33%
consumer 4.19%
telephone 3.42%
voter 3.35%
business 3.21%
customer 2.58%
market 1.75%
confidence 1.61%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
survey 0.13%
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