11.   If those traders tend to move in herds, leaping in when prices are rising and out when they are falling, then they can exaggerate any market move.

12.   In a technical analysis, Shea notes, bond price changes have developed a chart formation that is characteristic of fast market moves.

13.   In a straddle, the more the market moves in either direction from the strike price, the deeper the losses become.

14.   In the short term, securities markets move based on expectations about the future.

15.   Indeed, when we examine banks we expect them to have systems in place that take account of outsized market moves.

16.   Often, it is almost impossible to determine whether their market moves have crossed an ethical or legal line.

17.   Not having to post a loss when the market moves against them will make Japanese investors less wary of owning Eurobonds.

18.   Now, analysts say, many companies are better prepare to defend their traditional market sand move into new ones.

19.   On the other hand, if the market moves against you, your entire margin deposit could be wiped out in a few minutes.

20.   Or the market moves could be evidence of speculation gone wild, of a great bubble that will inevitably burst.

n. + move >>共 926
surprise 5.24%
pressure 4.41%
career 3.99%
government 3.84%
roster 3.75%
peace 3.69%
personnel 1.64%
spin 1.58%
market 1.49%
player 1.19%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
move 0.25%
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