11.   The opposition and several observer teams said the vote was marred by intimidation and vote rigging.

12.   The vote was marred by violence, as well as allegations of ballot-rigging and police intimidation.

13.   The vote was also marred by violence and charges of vote buying and meddling with voter lists.

14.   The vote was marred by allegations of ballot box stuffing and other irregularities.

15.   The vote was marred by sporadic violence and other irregularities, but judged relatively smooth and fair by international observers.

16.   International and local observers said the vote was marred by widespread fraud.

17.   But Balaguer said Wednesday he would agree to new elections if serious irregularities are proven to have marred the vote.

18.   But the polling was preceded by weeks of political violence, and the vote itself was marred by widespread irregularities documented by observers.

19.   The regime said the vote was marred by fraud, but international observers said the election was fair.

20.   The vote was marred by the shooting death of a National Party member by a political rival, police said.

v. + vote >>共 450
cast 7.47%
have 5.87%
win 4.73%
count 3.84%
take 3.82%
hold 3.24%
expect 3.08%
get 2.70%
schedule 2.67%
delay 2.09%
mar 0.23%
mar + n. >>共 278
election 10.03%
campaign 4.79%
game 4.46%
race 3.23%
vote 2.79%
match 2.79%
relation 2.79%
celebration 2.01%
event 2.01%
day 1.56%
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