11.   The charley horse maintained its grip.

12.   To the east, Arctic air will maintain its grip on the Great Lakes in the wake of the snowstorm that affected parts of the region Monday.

13.   UD researchers designed a test that will enable cadaver hands to maintain a grip until the tendons rupture.

14.   Ultimately, Mr. Milosevic will have to choose either to cut his mounting losses or lose his ability to maintain his grip on Kosovo.

15.   Washington should also attack bases of the Republican Guard and other forces that Saddam relies on to maintain his grip on power.

16.   A second state company would maintain its grip on the liquor stores for retail sales of everything but beer, which is available in grocery stores.

17.   Anwar has been sentenced to six years imprisonment for corruption in a trial he says was orchestrated by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to maintain his grip on power.

18.   Cox also has forged a sense of trust with his players, rarely saying a discouraging word in public but maintaining a grip behind the scenes.

19.   Despite the show of power by Karadzic, it was not clear in the long run whether he could maintain his grip.

20.   Earlier in the week, desperately trying to maintain his grip on power, Suharto had offered to institute reforms, hold early elections and then step aside.

v. + grip >>共 131
lose 18.12%
tighten 16.28%
get 12.25%
loosen 7.47%
have 4.03%
maintain 3.69%
keep 3.27%
strengthen 3.10%
relax 2.94%
release 2.43%
maintain + n. >>共 867
innocence 4.21%
control 3.78%
tie 3.11%
relation 2.70%
order 2.50%
contact 2.47%
security 1.56%
stability 1.39%
sanction 1.33%
peace 1.24%
grip 0.34%
每页显示:    共 44