11.   Secondly, the improvement in lower oesophageal sphincter pressure could simply have been an artifact produced by the surgical procedure.

12.   This impression is further supported by their observation that the lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation was incomplete in most patients after surgery.

13.   Gastrin is thought to actually increase the lower oesophageal sphincter pressure and therefore any effects caused by this factor would not have materially changed the results of our study.

14.   Also, a number of recent studies on the effect of omeprazole on lower oesophageal sphincter pressure and oesophageal body motility have shown no effect.

15.   Dual sleeve manometric assemblies were used for concurrent monitoring of lower oesophageal sphincter and UOS pressures.

16.   The lower oesophageal sphincter pressure was measured as the difference between the sleeve pressure and the fundic pressure.

17.   The bursts of oesophageal contractions were not related to inappropriate lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations.

18.   In fact, none of the inappropriate relaxations of the lower oesophageal sphincter was accompanied by this type of non-deglutitive motor activity.

19.   These repetitive simultaneous pressure waves usually occurred together with the lower oesophageal sphincter component of the migrating motor complex.

20.   The present studies show that the migrating motor complex not only has a lower oesophageal sphincter component, but also an oesophageal body component.

a. + oesophageal >>共 38
lower 31.11%
normal 7.41%
corrosive 5.93%
upper 5.19%
prolonged 5.19%
impaired 4.44%
primary 3.70%
basal 2.96%
median 2.22%
severe 2.22%
lower + n. >>共 573
price 9.68%
rate 7.98%
house 7.62%
court 6.23%
cost 4.78%
level 2.87%
tax 2.39%
back 2.29%
profit 1.22%
earnings 1.11%
oesophageal 0.19%
每页显示:    共 42