11.   And beyond that, Afrikaans is widely spoken by black South Africans, many of whom also speak both English and their local tribal language.

12.   And third, to function well in the Keys, a visitor needs to learn the local language.

13.   A translation of his comments were subsequently read to the crowd in Cantonese, the local language.

14.   A statement has been written in ChiKunda, the local language, by the people of Bawa.

15.   Buyout executives are also ingratiating themselves by hiring Europeans who speak the local languages and understand regional customs.

16.   Crystal imagines a World Standard Spoken English, a common language that would unite peoples without displacing local languages or dialects.

17.   Elders chanted in Maa, the local language, as they walked in a circle around the group of cows, animals that the Masai hold sacred.

18.   Earlier this week, Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain gave an interview with to BBC that was broadcast in Afghanistan in the local Pashtun language.

19.   Even if there were, the decision has yet to be translated into Tigrinya, the local language.

20.   Fluent in Russian, he is able to converse in Serbo-Croatian, the local language, which, like Russian, is Slavic.

a. + language >>共 1403
foreign 6.28%
english 4.17%
official 4.14%
native 2.74%
programming 2.46%
second 2.34%
different 2.24%
new 2.15%
local 1.83%
same 1.79%
local + n. >>共 935
official 4.23%
government 4.23%
authority 4.11%
police 2.59%
resident 2.54%
newspaper 1.92%
hospital 1.77%
election 1.63%
medium 1.52%
people 1.38%
language 0.22%
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