11.   She scanned the dimly lit room, grabbed her Pepsi and headed for what she hoped would be a luckier table.

12.   The children would stay in a dimly lit room in the church basement, she said.

13.   The dimly lit room darkens and a single spotlight splashes onto the curtain ready to illuminate the spectacle within.

14.   The projector uses some fancy new circuitry that promises a bright, clear picture in any normally lit room.

15.   Upstairs, the National Board meets weekly in a dimly lit room, its orange carpet buckling.

16.   Visitors were usually kept in dimly lit rooms.

17.   Willard ends up at dinner in a gauzily lit room, as the French explain why they refuse to leave their Vietnam plantation.

18.   Inside a darkly lit room off the emergency room, veterinary cardiologist Meg Sleeper runs a device over the chest of a cat lying on a table.

19.   One has the choice of eating inside the dimly lit room, or sitting at a modest table under a canopy.

20.   Radioactive glucose was administered as the subjects lay quietly in a dimly lit room.

a. + room >>共 1271
small 4.32%
meeting 3.33%
same 3.33%
private 2.79%
next 2.32%
hearing 1.99%
large 1.96%
separate 1.76%
single 1.65%
training 1.64%
lit 0.26%
lit + n. >>共 153
candle 12.02%
cigarette 8.47%
room 6.01%
fire 5.19%
bonfire 4.37%
match 2.73%
corridor 2.19%
firecracker 1.91%
incense 1.91%
fuse 1.91%
每页显示:    共 22