11.   The light casts an amber glow over an otherwise aloof room but also makes it a little too warm for comfort despite the air-conditioners humming in the background.

n. + cast >>共 670
voter 12.95%
official 2.01%
member 1.95%
people 1.82%
study 1.51%
report 1.07%
violence 0.88%
gore 0.69%
incident 0.69%
light 0.69%
light + v. >>共 464
be 21.86%
go 12.61%
come 6.02%
flash 2.82%
shine 2.35%
turn 2.20%
dim 1.91%
flicker 1.57%
change 1.38%
begin 1.25%
cast 0.35%
每页显示:    共 11