11.   Brent Mackelprang, a former mayor and lifelong resident of Fredonia, said Babbitt was lying about grazing and hunting continuing if a monument were established.

12.   But most Latvians, including even liberal church leaders, preferred a lifelong resident of Latvia.

13.   But Patty Matesk, a lifelong Sherman Oaks resident, said the Galleria is as good as gone.

14.   City officials say that some tax bills could double or triple, something that lifelong residents like Linda Rodrigues fear could bring disaster.

15.   City secretary Virginia Maples, a lifelong resident, praised the town for its neighborliness.

16.   Chief among them is Salvatore Scotto, a lifelong resident.

17.   For lifelong residents of the area, the transition from tobacco to high-tech has not been painless.

18.   Galiber was a lifelong resident of the Bronx.

19.   Hall, a Lutheran and a lifelong resident of Citrus County, formerly managed a Pizza Hut restaurant.

20.   He has ordered lifelong residents to give away appliances and beloved pets.

a. + resident >>共 1013
local 23.23%
permanent 3.60%
legal 2.95%
longtime 2.94%
former 2.62%
palestinian 2.02%
new 1.84%
elderly 1.55%
angry 1.55%
foreign 1.48%
lifelong 0.71%
lifelong + n. >>共 462
friend 7.43%
dream 5.31%
resident 4.39%
fan 3.26%
friendship 3.11%
interest 3.04%
passion 2.83%
love 2.26%
habit 1.49%
learning 1.34%
每页显示:    共 62