11.   Paulsson found out about the leper colony after reading a short blurb in the back of a travel guide.

12.   An air of shame clings to the desolate, walled-in compound, a former leper colony now housing AIDS patients.

13.   Nine years later he left for the leper colony Kalaupapa on Molokai island.

14.   Representatives of local faction leaders said floods washed away the leper colony at Jilib, killing three people, including two children.

15.   Robben Island has also served as a leper colony and military base.

16.   The island once housed a leper colony.

17.   The island, which has colonies of penguins and other sea birds, was also a former leper colony and was used for a military base.

18.   The pope visits with AIDS and leprosy victims at a leper colony in the outskirts of Havana.

19.   Tourists also visit the remnants of the leper colony, a Muslim shrine, the village where the prison guards lived and other sites.

20.   Over the years, it has also variously been used to house military gun batteries and a leper colony.

n. + colony >>共 105
leper 7.50%
ant 6.07%
art 4.64%
nudist 4.64%
artist 3.57%
space 3.57%
penguin 3.21%
island 2.86%
jockey 2.86%
termite 2.14%
leper + n. >>共 10
colony 61.76%
hospital 8.82%
child 5.88%
home 5.88%
patient 2.94%
relative 2.94%
side 2.94%
status 2.94%
village 2.94%
woman 2.94%
每页显示:    共 21