11.   Consumer advocates, many medical practitioners and trial lawyers want legislation to include a provision making HMOs liable for damages.

12.   Democrats may also seek to make sure that any new legislation includes provisions that would strengthen corporate governance and the role of audit committees on company boards.

13.   He pointed out that the legislation includes increased spending for child care and protects health care and child nutrition programs.

14.   However, the revised legislation includes a controversial provision that would allow churches to discriminate in hiring based on religious grounds.

15.   Ideally, new welfare legislation should include both realistic work requirements and sufficient money to supply day care and education subsidies for all those who need them.

16.   Ms. Schroeder said the legislation would include provisions for a public health education campaign urging women to prepare before they get pregnant.

17.   Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., and other House members are pushing for pending health care legislation to include medical savings accounts.

18.   Senior administration officials have said that although the legislation does not include all of the provisions recommended by the White House, President Clinton would sign it.

19.   So the legislation would include a constitutional amendment that would be placed before voters next year, said state Sen. Jeff Wentworth of San Antonio.

20.   Still, it is clear that the final legislation will include certain elements.

n. + include >>共 1161
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list 1.51%
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measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
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legislation 0.16%
legislation + v. >>共 566
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