11.   Similar legislation is already in place in Wales.

12.   Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.

13.   However, new public order legislation was promulgated which effectively allowed the Secretary for the Interior to continue to detain individuals on a wide range of grounds.

14.   This legislation is nothing to do with employment rights.

15.   The legislation is not only unnecessary but it is, it could set industrial relations back years in this country.

16.   There has been new legislation introduced in the form of the European six pack and the cost regulations but this legislation will only be effective if it is enforced.

17.   Secular legislation is more exclusively to the fore in the remaining Merovingian capitularies.

18.   There is much legislation on the extension of Compulsory Competitive Tendering.

19.   There should also be a team of European inspectors who can ensure that such legislation is effective.

20.   If there is no such frozen account the author is of the view that the legislation would still be offended.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
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thing 0.63%
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official 0.55%
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legislation 0.04%
legislation + v. >>共 566
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allow 3.77%
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pass 3.26%
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