11.   Fernandez of the right-of-center National Action Party adopts the position of the Vatican and opposes any attempt to legalize abortion.

12.   Five days earlier the US Supreme Court had legalized abortion, so Gilligan switched to study women deciding whether to continue or terminate pregnancy.

13.   He introduced legislation to legalize abortion and wanted to take tax credits away from parents who had too many children.

14.   In his appearances last week, Moore did not hesitate to criticize the courts for legalizing abortion and for pushing Vermont lawmakers to allow gay unions.

15.   In recent decades, Supreme Court decisions barring school prayer and legalizing abortion helped heighten their activism.

16.   In the letter, Dole said he still favored a constitutional amendment overturning Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.

17.   It was the first state to legalize abortion.

18.   Legislatures in Hawaii, New York and Alaska repealed criminal penalties, and voters in Washington State approved a referendum legalizing abortion.

19.   Members of the Revolutionary Institutional Party, the PRI, are split on the issue, although many women PRI leaders have advocated legalizing abortion in the past.

20.   New York has been a strong pro-choice state, legalizing abortion before Roe vs. Wade made reproductive freedom a constitutional right.

v. + abortion >>共 215
perform 14.71%
have 13.44%
oppose 11.06%
ban 4.72%
seek 4.00%
get 2.74%
outlaw 2.62%
allow 2.22%
provide 2.02%
legalize 1.86%
legalize + n. >>共 156
drug 9.66%
marijuana 9.19%
abortion 7.32%
marriage 5.76%
casino 4.36%
party 4.21%
divorce 3.74%
use 3.58%
suicide 3.58%
status 2.49%
每页显示:    共 47