11.   Victory completed an amazing seven days for the Edinburgh club after reaching the Cup final and beating Rangers -- the other finalists -- in a midweek league encounter.

n. + encounter >>共 166
chance 32.48%
league 2.81%
second-round 2.81%
celebrity 1.53%
three-day 1.53%
group 1.28%
season 1.28%
wake 1.28%
bear 1.02%
courtroom 1.02%
league + n. >>共 598
official 6.95%
leader 6.54%
title 6.35%
game 5.85%
match 5.79%
office 3.54%
champion 3.43%
history 3.41%
rule 2.52%
championship 2.38%
encounter 0.19%
每页显示:    共 11