11.   On their side of the border crossing, Serb soldiers were seen setting up mortars and laying mines in the trenches they dug on Wednesday.

12.   Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said Wednesday that there were reports that Yugoslav forces were still laying mines this week.

13.   Second, he ordered those forces to lay mines, dig in and fortify their positions.

14.   The mines were laid in complex layers.

15.   The mines were laid over the past two decades by Soviet invaders and warring Afghan factions.

16.   The Taliban has surely laid mines, and they may have simple chemical weapons, like phosgene and chlorine gas.

17.   Then, when he was captured by the occupying Vietnamese Army, he laid mines for them.

18.   Turkish forces have also laid some mines, as have the three main Kurdish forces, often warring against each other.

19.   Yugoslav army troops have been laying mines, trying to block attack routes from Skopje and Kumanov in Macedonia.

20.   A second round of talks between Thai officers and Burmese forces refusing to leave Thai soil failed Sunday and the intruders were seen laying mines in the border area.

v. + mine >>共 281
hit 7.52%
plant 6.95%
clear 6.14%
lay 5.64%
remove 4.95%
close 3.95%
ban 2.76%
use 2.57%
operate 2.07%
find 2.01%
lay + n. >>共 475
groundwork 11.79%
wreath 9.48%
foundation 6.24%
claim 6.21%
egg 5.91%
charge 3.61%
flower 3.52%
siege 3.24%
blame 3.21%
mine 2.73%
每页显示:    共 89