11.   U.S. officials confirmed that a few weeks ago the FBI detained an Arab man in Minnesota when he tried to seek flight simulator training for a large jetliner.

a. + jetliner >>共 111
commercial 18.58%
hijacked 10.69%
new 4.33%
french 3.56%
first 3.56%
regional 3.05%
second 2.80%
large 2.80%
jumbo 2.54%
fourth 1.78%
large + n. >>共 1012
number 8.74%
part 3.71%
amount 3.28%
bowl 2.81%
company 2.19%
quantity 1.68%
area 1.55%
group 1.39%
crowd 1.17%
sum 1.10%
jetliner 0.02%
每页显示:    共 11