11.   This week four Jewish settlers were killed on West Bank roads.

12.   Three car bombs blew up in Israel this week, wounding several people, and three Jewish settlers were killed in the West Bank.

13.   Three settlers were killed this week in roadside attacks in the Gaza Strip.

14.   Thursday an Israeli settler was killed by gunfire in the West Bank.

15.   Two Jewish settlers were killed here recently in an ambush laid, presumably, by Palestinians.

16.   Palestinian assailants opened fire Sunday on a Jewish settler bus killing two settlers and wounding at least three, the army said.

17.   Also Wednesday, the Israeli army removed travel restrictions imposed on Palestinians in Hebron earlier this week after a Jewish settler was killed in the tense town.

18.   Also Tuesday, Palestinians opened fire on an Israeli vehicle near the settlement of Neve Daniel, south of Jerusalem, killing two settlers and wounding three.

19.   Another Homesh settler was killed Monday in a Palestinian shooting ambush.

20.   Archaeologists have been digging just outside the Tel Romeida enclave where last month a Jewish settler was killed in his trailer, apparently by Palestinian militants.

v. + settler >>共 228
protect 7.17%
kill 5.41%
arrest 5.30%
detain 3.43%
remove 3.33%
evict 3.22%
shoot 2.81%
carry 2.60%
accuse 2.29%
target 2.08%
kill + n. >>共 569
people 19.44%
soldier 6.63%
man 4.28%
civilian 3.64%
person 3.01%
policeman 2.48%
woman 1.81%
rebel 1.78%
child 1.75%
hundred 1.41%
settler 0.14%
每页显示:    共 52