11.   In addition, the justices unanimously decided that banks can invade the multibillion-dollar market for annuities, competing with insurance companies to provide the popular retirement investment.

12.   In addition, the justices will decide whether federal officials can indefinitely lock up immigrants they seek to deport.

13.   Murphy said he would ask for permission to file a friend-of-the-court brief if the justices decide to hear the case.

14.   Most of these laws were written to convey a secular purpose, but the justices could decide that such wording is just a subterfuge.

15.   Regardless of how the justices ultimately decide the case, one thing will never change about Texans and their love of the gridiron.

16.   Should the justices decide to expedite the issue, they could hear arguments this spring.

17.   So only by deciding for themselves what the Internet is can the justices decide where to place it on the hierarchy of First Amendment values.

18.   The case is now before the high court, and the justices will ultimately decide whether Congress granted the EPA too much authority in setting air-quality standards.

19.   The justices also will decide whether the banks even have the right to sue.

20.   The justices could decide by mid-January whether to hear the Nebraska appeal, possibly in time for a ruling by the end of the current term in early summer.

n. + decide >>共 692
government 7.18%
official 4.56%
company 4.18%
court 3.83%
judge 2.39%
authority 2.24%
prosecutor 1.85%
leader 1.65%
committee 1.55%
jury 1.54%
justice 0.34%
justice + v. >>共 387
be 15.08%
say 7.89%
rule 3.71%
agree 3.20%
decide 2.23%
hear 2.13%
have 2.00%
appear 1.90%
refuse 1.62%
seem 1.62%
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