11.   In place of the piece, Ober said, would be an equally compelling one on how hard it was for journalists to report on cigarette companies.

12.   It is usual for journalists to report on events no one else has seen, and to struggle to convey what happened.

13.   Journalists reported seeing a stepped-up Serbian police presence on the border.

14.   Last week, a Palestinian journalist reported that a bin Laden aide told him that bin Laden denied involvement but congratulated the perpetrators.

15.   Local journalists have reported that some rebels went to the nearby village of Malino, among others.

16.   Local journalists reported several babies had been born in the camp, too, and that one of the mothers died in childbirth Saturday.

17.   Local journalists reported that several babies had been born in the camp too, and that one of the mothers died in childbirth Saturday.

18.   Most journalists report that progress is agonizingly slow, that most black people remain patient and that white people enjoy the lifting of a burden of guilt.

19.   Several foreign journalists reported, however, witnessing the beating and execution of a member of the Presidential Guard outside Camp Mobutu Sese Seko.

20.   The base is now busy with military personnel, civilians and Red Cross workers tending to the terrorist suspects, while international journalists report from Camp X-Ray regularly.

n. + report >>共 510
newspaper 16.66%
radio 6.86%
medium 6.03%
official 4.48%
company 4.29%
television 3.89%
police 3.13%
government 2.18%
witness 1.94%
station 1.71%
journalist 0.29%
journalist + v. >>共 679
be 13.42%
say 8.80%
have 2.94%
see 2.83%
report 1.90%
ask 1.54%
go 1.24%
tell 1.13%
take 0.99%
visit 0.99%
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