11.   Fox has given journalism schools another piece of sensationalism for use in courses exposing the television pseudo-expose.

12.   He got his degree from the University of Illinois and returns there twice a year for a week, without fanfare, to teach at the journalism school.

13.   He could barely understand a word I said, and I had to adjust if my plans were to make it through journalism school.

14.   He and I attended journalism school at the same time at the University of Texas and had a creative writing class together.

15.   He then served as a visiting professor and assistant dean at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and lectured at various other journalism schools.

16.   Here are things they never learned in journalism school.

17.   His first choice was the journalism school, but there were no vacancies.

18.   I took particular pleasure, on occasion, in delegating it to some Yankee fresh out of journalism school and new to East Texas.

19.   I learned the term at the University of Missouri journalism school.

20.   I never went to journalism school.

n. + school >>共 658
law 19.07%
charter 12.05%
business 7.05%
flight 4.91%
art 2.73%
city 2.30%
neighborhood 2.02%
film 1.73%
day 1.44%
area 1.37%
journalism 1.15%
journalism + n. >>共 114
school 12.65%
professor 9.68%
student 7.11%
career 6.92%
degree 4.35%
class 4.15%
program 3.95%
award 2.96%
organization 2.57%
department 2.37%
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