11.   Cannistraro noted that these groups had not issued a threat against the airliner and have no background in airline terrorism.

12.   Downriver on the Rio Grande, Mexican traffickers are muscling aside ranchers, in some cases issuing threats, ransacking property and tearing down fences.

13.   FBI counter-terrorism chief Dale Watson says threats have been issued against the United States.

14.   Haider and his supporters are openly offended by the idea that fellow Europeans would issue threats over an election result not to their liking.

15.   He also issued a threat.

16.   He has begun issuing veto threats if Congress tries to defy his spending priorities.

17.   He said a similar threat was issued against an unspecified school in Nevada.

18.   In addition, Christopher was unwilling to issue threats that the administration would be loath to carry out.

19.   In the meantime, Hamas issued new threats of violence after a mysterious attack on a senior Hamas official in Amman, Khaled Mashal.

20.   In warning the West not to strike Yugoslavia, Russian officials have issued vague threats of their own.

v. + threat >>共 584
pose 14.12%
receive 11.61%
make 7.94%
face 4.44%
end 4.36%
take 2.23%
use 1.76%
issue 1.54%
reduce 1.44%
follow 1.39%
issue + n. >>共 431
statement 19.35%
warning 6.71%
warrant 5.09%
order 4.55%
report 4.26%
ruling 2.79%
bond 2.29%
decree 1.79%
permit 1.62%
subpoena 1.60%
threat 0.68%
每页显示:    共 116