11.   But while Lee opened the political system, he kept an iron grip on the party.

12.   Despite having formally relinquished power, Karadzic retains an iron grip on the Bosnian Serb republic.

13.   Dell has kept an iron grip on expenses, including payroll, by making greater use of outsourcing and automation.

14.   Djukanovic has an iron grip on the media in Montenegro, the police and the other levers of power, just as Milosevic does in Serbia.

15.   For the first time, the agency that was held together with an iron grip by Ovitz and Meyer seemed shaky.

16.   For the sake of looking tough, they are putting an iron national grip on a diverse problem that needs diverse local solutions.

17.   He runs Microsoft Corp. with an iron grip, and makes software designed to impose One True Way of computing on millions of hapless serfs.

18.   His iron grip on paramilitary storm troopers and the propaganda apparatus of Serbia meant no opponents could get traction.

19.   In the past, authorities here relied on a system of rewards for its nuclear elite and the iron grip of the Soviet state to protect nuclear materials.

20.   Record companies no longer have an iron grip on every aspect of the music business.

n. + grip >>共 81
iron 25.25%
death 12.12%
hand 4.04%
vise 3.54%
rubber 3.03%
vice-like 3.03%
stranglehold 2.02%
drought 1.52%
car 1.52%
golf 1.01%
iron + n. >>共 451
bar 12.76%
ore 6.20%
fist 4.32%
rod 3.58%
shot 3.44%
play 2.98%
gate 2.66%
grip 2.30%
fence 2.25%
deficiency 1.88%
每页显示:    共 50