11.   Justice Department officials said that they look for evidence of coercion or threats to make a case for involuntary servitude.

12.   The courts have upheld the rights of school districts to require public service, rejecting claims that it amounted to involuntary servitude and violated the Constitution.

13.   The defendants, eight of whom remain at large, were charged with civil rights and immigration violations as well as extortion and involuntary servitude.

14.   The charges include conspiracy to violate civil rights laws against involuntary servitude, extortion, alien smuggling and illegal transportation of aliens.

15.   They were judged to have made no real effort to stop a commerce in human beings who are forced to work in brothels, sweatshops and other involuntary servitude.

16.   This is involuntary servitude.

17.   Thus broken, she begins her brothel career, held by means of physical abuse and debt bondage in involuntary sexual servitude.

18.   Under federal law, involuntary servitude occurs when a worker is compelled, by whatever means, to work at a job he or she does not want.

19.   He was arrested by the FBI in March and accused of involuntary servitude and forced labor.

20.   Possible violations include involuntary servitude.

a. + servitude >>共 27
indentured 28.09%
involuntary 24.72%
sexual 14.61%
domestic 5.62%
virtual 2.25%
blissful 1.12%
bonded 1.12%
brutal 1.12%
cruel 1.12%
daily 1.12%
involuntary + n. >>共 121
manslaughter 46.26%
homicide 5.69%
servitude 3.91%
commitment 3.20%
bankruptcy 2.49%
movement 2.14%
unemployment 1.78%
muscle 1.60%
sterilization 1.60%
disappearance 1.42%
每页显示:    共 22