11.   Gilbert invited local leaders to the school who could exemplify some of the character traits.

12.   Gorbachev said he hoped the foundation, which plans to invite world leaders to a series of colloquia, would tackle thorny issues such as disagreements over trade.

13.   He is a teetotaling sports enthusiast and an Orthodox Christian who displays his tolerance for other faiths by inviting religious leaders to all of his political functions.

14.   His crusades are saturation efforts, buttressed with nightly hourlong television programs and daily luncheons to which business and civic leaders are invited.

15.   I have also invited the leader Gadhafi to this country.

16.   Instead, those talks will open after this agreement is ratified, and Clinton may invite these leaders back for another summit meeting.

17.   Instead, they will open after this agreement is ratified, and Clinton may invite these leaders back for another summit meeting.

18.   Lo and behold, tribal leaders were then invited to a White House lunch with Clinton.

19.   Ms. Liswood also has a book in the works and other spinoffs planned, including an international forum where all the women leaders would be invited.

20.   On Thursday, no foreign leaders were invited.

v. + leader >>共 959
meet 9.64%
arrest 3.95%
include 3.83%
accuse 3.12%
say 2.37%
kill 2.04%
have 1.32%
choose 1.28%
elect 1.27%
criticize 1.25%
invite 1.21%
invite + n. >>共 865
leader 3.54%
friend 2.97%
people 2.26%
reporter 1.68%
official 1.65%
guest 1.54%
comparison 1.43%
bid 1.36%
public 1.32%
representative 1.25%
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