11.   Because women live longer than men, their monthly payouts from an investment account would be stretched out over more retirement years and potentially be smaller.

12.   -- Cashing in earlier than planned on a Big Dig insurance investment account worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

13.   A presidential advisory panel Wednesday heard about two pension programs that could be used as models for individual Social Security investment accounts.

14.   A presidential commission recommended three proposals in December to create private investment accounts, but Bush has not specifically endorsed any of them.

15.   Afterward, Brinkman was eager to get back home to make the case against overhauling the retirement system to include individual investment accounts.

16.   All involve private investment accounts and reduced benefits for those who stick with the current system.

17.   All three options would establish voluntary investment accounts while lowering guaranteed Social Security benefits.

18.   Bush contends his plan can both provide benefits to existing beneficiaries and permit younger workers to open private investment accounts.

19.   Bush established the commission this year with a mandate to find ways to restructure Social Security and allow for private investment accounts.

20.   Bush has not specified what percentage of payroll taxes he would divert to private investment accounts, nor how he would finance the transition to the new system.

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press 1.85%
investment + n. >>共 468
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