11.   The investigators found no evidence of a defect or malfunction that could have caused the destruction of the aircraft.

12.   Similar differences between relapsing and non-relapsing polyp patients ahve already emerged from previous studies, although other investigators have found no significant differences whatsoever.

13.   While some investigators found that oxygen gave direct symptom relief, others suggested that any benefit was mostly the placebo effect of air on the rhinopharynx.

14.   Accident investigators have found the black box flight recorder.

15.   Along with the hearse, investigators found five automobiles and truck carcasses as well as a rusted house trailer.

16.   Although investigators found wiring problems with the entertainment system and other components, they have not identified the cause of the crash.

17.   Also from the car search, officials said, investigators found names of other suspects.

18.   Among other things, military sources said investigators found that troops had taken numerous rugs from Chechen homes.

19.   And investigators found evidence of several marriages without a divorce.

20.   And investigators found no indication that Sampson ever made an effort to follow through on his threat, one source said.

n. + find >>共 805
police 6.05%
study 5.40%
researcher 3.19%
investigator 2.76%
people 2.26%
survey 2.07%
company 2.07%
court 1.90%
jury 1.63%
report 1.57%
investigator + v. >>共 473
say 22.56%
find 5.91%
believe 5.01%
be 4.75%
try 3.04%
look 2.56%
have 2.50%
determine 1.72%
suspect 1.69%
question 1.29%
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