11.   Henry Kaufman, an economist and money manager, says a new layer of international supervision is needed to set lending standards and supervise the process.

12.   India will now have to destroy its arms and production plants under international supervision.

13.   NATO leaders Friday said they would seek a UN Security Council resolution requiring the pullout of hostile forces from Yugoslavia and the return of refugees under international military supervision.

14.   Once peace takes hold, local police forces will be organized and trained under international supervision.

15.   She said that any agreement would be an interim settlement that would be reviewed under international supervision after three years.

16.   The oil-for-food plan, for example, gave Iraq as much freedom of movement as Baghdad might be trusted with exercising under international supervision.

17.   The simmering dispute developed into a crisis last month after North Korea removed plutonium-rich nuclear fuel rods from a reactor at Yongbyon without international supervision.

18.   Their parliaments will be chosen through free and democratic elections under international supervision.

19.   They are expected to stay in the church under international supervision until a new home is found.

20.   Western officials are worried that any talks will stall without international supervision.

a. + supervision >>共 211
international 9.64%
medical 6.66%
close 6.06%
strict 5.12%
adult 4.61%
parental 3.50%
direct 3.16%
federal 2.99%
state 2.30%
proper 2.13%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
supervision 0.17%
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