11.   Shapiro said the program could not document any evidence of institutional racism in the department.

12.   She said she had wanted the report to include references to what she believes is institutional racism in the Santa Monica Police Department.

13.   Social exclusion, residential segregation and other expressions of institutional racism magnify the impact of socioeconomic status.

14.   That court decision has been interpreted to ban at Texas public universities and colleges the affirmative action programs that were designed to remedy institutional racism and discrimination.

15.   That outcome would infuriate both those convinced of his guilt and those to whom this whole proceeding is nothing more than an exercise in institutional racism.

16.   The FBI and the firearms agency have been accused of institutional racism by their own agents.

17.   The report makes damning criticisms of the metropolitan London police, pointing out, perhaps for the first time in Britain, institutional racism.

18.   This is institutional racism, and it takes a great deal of racial sensitivity, among blacks as well as whites, to overcome it.

19.   Was Richardson a victim of institutional racism?

20.   We are talking about a racist state, institutional racism.

a. + racism >>共 166
institutional 6.63%
white 6.35%
alleged 3.59%
institutionalized 3.31%
blatant 3.31%
overt 2.76%
american 2.49%
combat 2.21%
environmental 1.93%
widespread 1.93%
institutional + n. >>共 496
investor 52.76%
shareholder 2.86%
reform 2.37%
client 1.82%
fund 1.44%
money 1.24%
care 0.92%
buyer 0.90%
memory 0.78%
arrangement 0.75%
racism 0.69%
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