11.   Richard Butler, the head of the inspection team, said inspections could resume on Saturday.

12.   Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said last week that the United States would not use force to make Iraq allow inspections to resume.

13.   The council is now unified in responding that this cannot happen until unfettered inspections resume.

14.   The deal Saddam cut with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to let the inspections resume showed Saddam to be a student of Carl von Clausewitz.

15.   The Iraqis continue to insist that sanctions be lifted before any arms inspections can resume.

16.   U.S. officials say the inspections must resume to keep Iraq from building or acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

17.   After Primakov negotiated with Saddam in November, inspections resumed.

18.   Annan flew to Baghdad and reached an agreement with the Iraqis allowing inspections to resume.

19.   Annan flew to Baghdad in February and reached an agreement with the Iraqis allowing inspections to resume.

20.   But early Saturday, as the United States prepared to launch airstrikes, the Baghdad government announced it would allow unconditional inspections to resume.

n. + resume >>共 801
talk 15.05%
negotiation 5.77%
play 3.97%
trial 3.80%
flight 2.08%
hearing 1.38%
service 1.36%
side 1.35%
work 1.18%
game 1.10%
inspection 0.62%
inspection + v. >>共 139
be 24.20%
take 8.30%
reveal 6.92%
resume 5.26%
find 4.98%
show 4.43%
begin 3.73%
continue 2.90%
go 2.07%
last 2.07%
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