11.   He also said inspections to find grounds to close the clubs would continue.

12.   More important, it leaves open the question of using public funds to prop up banks that the inspections may find to be undercapitalized.

13.   Resulting inspections found damage caused by maintenance workers in all four shuttles, resulting in the fleet being grounded for months for repairs.

14.   Second-place finisher Tom Sweatman was scored last after a post-race inspection found a technical violation.

15.   The inspection also found that the airline had certified that a captain had undergone retraining for escaping the violent downdrafts known as wind shear when he had not.

16.   The inspection found wiring problems that could have caused explosions if left undetected.

17.   The organizers announced Tuesday that a routine geological inspection had found a natural vein of asbestos where the bobsled and luge run would be held.

18.   Though roaches can contribute to asthmatic conditions in young children, overall the inspection found nothing that would have caused death by asphyxiation, Phillips said.

19.   Post-flood inspections found that runoff from the mine sites damaged roads and houses, and filled streams with mud and debris.

20.   A detailed inspection found major damage.

n. + find >>共 805
police 6.05%
study 5.40%
researcher 3.19%
investigator 2.76%
people 2.26%
survey 2.07%
company 2.07%
court 1.90%
jury 1.63%
report 1.57%
inspection 0.12%
inspection + v. >>共 139
be 24.20%
take 8.30%
reveal 6.92%
resume 5.26%
find 4.98%
show 4.43%
begin 3.73%
continue 2.90%
go 2.07%
last 2.07%
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