11.   About a dozen protesters were injured from rubber bullets fired by Israeli soldiers and Palestinian police beatings.

12.   Also Monday, Palestinian human rights groups said Israeli troops have been aiming to severely injure Palestinian protesters in Hebron, not just disperse them.

13.   Akechai said that four or five protesters were injured in scuffles with police.

14.   Another four protesters were injured in other skirmishes with police, organizers added.

15.   At least two people were arrested and one protester was injured as police clubbed protesters, independent Studio B TV reported.

16.   At least five protesters were injured and four arrested.

17.   At least three protesters were injured, witnesses said.

18.   At least two protesters were injured.

19.   At least two protesters were seriously injured in fighting with other unidentified civilians, opposition officials said.

20.   At least four protesters were injured.

v. + protester >>共 413
arrest 7.95%
disperse 6.18%
beat 3.93%
injure 3.86%
kill 3.86%
detain 3.15%
keep 2.91%
prevent 2.24%
shoot 2.20%
remove 2.20%
injure + n. >>共 352
people 25.24%
soldier 5.22%
policeman 4.06%
person 3.26%
man 2.52%
knee 2.29%
officer 2.10%
civilian 2.07%
woman 2.04%
dozen 1.99%
protester 0.87%
每页显示:    共 97