11.   Nach Waxman is a man of infinite patience.

12.   Soccer requires infinite patience and an appreciation of the minuscule, an affinity for small moments that can blossom into flashes of riveting and illuminating consequence.

13.   The best have almost infinite patience.

14.   The ever-lowering standard of owners, who in their infinite patience are setting as their primary franchise goals the winning of Super Bowls already played.

15.   Despite the suffering imposed on the people of Zaire by this dictator, these sufferings made a proof of an infinite patience.

a. + patience >>共 147
great 8.12%
infinite 4.87%
little 4.22%
public 3.57%
endless 3.25%
counseling 2.60%
extraordinary 2.27%
uncommon 2.27%
same 2.27%
losing 1.95%
infinite + n. >>共 197
number 9.42%
variety 9.18%
patience 3.62%
possibility 3.62%
wisdom 2.90%
amount 2.17%
capacity 1.69%
time 1.69%
space 1.69%
supply 1.69%
每页显示:    共 15