11.   --Creating a new type of IRA, which would allow individuals to pay taxes on IRA deposits, and then withdraw the money later without paying a levy.

12.   Every young, working individual would pay a tax, which would be used to pay benefits that same year to each older, retired individual.

13.   If the individual is paying for professional management, he figures he might as well take some risk by buying a corporate bond fund, Schumacher said.

14.   In a separate change, individuals could pay for such ads only if their identities were disclosed.

15.   Individuals would pay taxes only on wages, not on interest, dividends or capital gains.

16.   Individuals would pay no capital gains taxes on the sale of businesses or business assets held in such neighborhoods for more than five years.

17.   It had to be made through the State Department because individuals cannot pay national dues to the United Nations.

18.   Many managed-care plans have traditionally paid their doctors and hospitals for each service they provide, but at a lower fee than individuals would pay.

19.   Not every individual will pay this much in taxes, of course.

n. + pay >>共 754
company 8.38%
government 5.56%
people 3.76%
customer 2.14%
consumer 1.95%
money 1.77%
state 1.72%
investor 1.59%
bank 1.34%
employer 1.17%
individual 0.26%
individual + v. >>共 530
be 14.21%
have 8.69%
make 2.45%
do 1.74%
take 1.56%
get 1.51%
invest 1.43%
buy 1.43%
pay 1.38%
use 1.16%
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