11.   Under increasing public pressure, farmers are taking a greater interest in free-range systems which give a fairer deal to farm animals.

12.   Employees may face increasing pressure to take on more of their own medical costs in retirement.

13.   It had then come under increasing international pressure to guarantee that the actual poll was not fraudulent.

14.   An alliance of black groups, the liberal press, Californian celebrities and local politicians exerted increasing public pressure for the resignation of Gates.

15.   Rocard had come under increasing pressure in the National Assembly where he was dependent on alliances with either the right or the PCF in order to get legislation approved.

16.   In addition to the destruction wrought by bombing and herbicides during the Vietnam war population growth was putting increasing pressure on the rest of the forests.

17.   There was increasing pressure from other European countries for access to EC markets if not membership of the EC.

18.   However, after an encouraging first half year, they along with other parts of the group, were not immune to the increasing pressures of the recession.

19.   On the other hand, boiling can be suppressed by increasing pressure.

20.   Speakers of Hiberno-English are under increasing pressure to modify their language in the direction of Standard English, which is the prestige norm in Ireland.

a. + pressure >>共 411
high 13.40%
low 6.99%
international 5.66%
inflationary 4.19%
political 4.13%
intense 3.92%
increasing 3.02%
strong 2.60%
heavy 2.15%
public 2.07%
increasing + n. >>共 1215
number 15.27%
pressure 6.72%
demand 2.99%
competition 2.73%
frequency 1.40%
criticism 1.34%
concern 1.31%
amount 1.23%
tension 1.22%
use 1.19%
每页显示:    共 623