11.   His A-list includes threats like the one the Soviet Union once posed.

12.   In an interview with the Cornell Daily Sun, the authors said they have received hundreds of flames, including death threats.

13.   In Colorado, the two killers left some clues in the form of computer messages, including death threats, according to Web pages assigned to the boys.

14.   It includes threats to life and limb.

15.   Janavs said she believed the intent of state legislation ratifying the right of workers to strike did not include the threat to the public health.

16.   Police also confiscated notes and reading material that included threats against Israel and the United States.

17.   The book is a good primer of the growth of computer networks and their social implications -- including the threat they present to privacy.

18.   The Bosnians have also asked that the final peace agreement include a threat that any parties that do not cooperate would be subject to mandated U.N. sanctions.

19.   The drug companies oppose the House measure for several reasons, including the threat it represents to their profits.

20.   The last seven years of the Web have brought new social challenges, including new threats to privacy and intellectual property law.

v. + threat >>共 584
pose 14.12%
receive 11.61%
make 7.94%
face 4.44%
end 4.36%
take 2.23%
use 1.76%
issue 1.54%
reduce 1.44%
follow 1.39%
include 0.88%
include + n. >>共 1616
one 1.81%
child 1.37%
member 1.09%
woman 0.89%
provision 0.88%
people 0.77%
representative 0.72%
comment 0.70%
information 0.63%
picture 0.54%
threat 0.11%
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