11.   Despite these impressive gains, the firms are not looking back.

12.   Each has recorded impressive gains in the last month, but they trailed on balance because of the severity of their losses in the tougher winter months.

13.   Early on, Dell Ventures achieved impressive gains from investments in dot-com companies that were about to go public.

14.   Hardware and software companies have been posting impressive gains.

15.   However, even modest compounded interest rate yields will create impressive gains over a lifetime.

16.   IBM was not the only big computer company to post impressive gains.

17.   Impressive educational gains like that get the principal of the school a call from the White House.

18.   In contrast, retailers who cater to customers enriched by big stock market gains generally posted impressive gains.

19.   In fact, financial stocks have seen the most impressive gains this year.

20.   In her first six months in the position, she has scored some impressive gains.

a. + gain >>共 715
recent 6.28%
early 5.70%
strong 4.79%
big 3.90%
modest 3.35%
biggest 3.31%
sharp 2.69%
overnight 2.58%
political 2.48%
personal 2.18%
impressive 0.60%
impressive + n. >>共 1068
performance 4.88%
victory 3.26%
number 2.43%
record 2.40%
credentials 1.78%
result 1.67%
array 1.64%
gain 1.56%
display 1.56%
resume 1.51%
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