11.   The FCC, however, says that allowing businesses to identify callers will help commerce and economic development.

12.   He declined to identify the caller and had no confirmation that a kidnapping had taken place.

13.   He did not say whether Halprin had identified the caller.

14.   Privacy advocates had argued that because the content and the information identifying the caller cannot be separated, the government would get more than a simple trace order allowed.

15.   The story did not identify the caller.

16.   He said phone lines were being monitored and police were poised to take immediate action if any callers were identified.

v. + caller >>共 133
refer 6.31%
identify 5.32%
ask 4.32%
tell 3.65%
put 3.32%
connect 2.99%
transfer 2.33%
have 1.99%
take 1.99%
direct 1.99%
identify + n. >>共 874
man 4.78%
victim 4.14%
suspect 4.13%
body 3.55%
source 1.61%
problem 1.41%
area 1.40%
company 1.38%
people 1.37%
dead 1.31%
caller 0.14%
每页显示:    共 16