11.   Others can see that people are being housed.

12.   Some people can be housed.

13.   The city is operating under legal obligations that compel it to house people who have nowhere to live, and to do so promptly.

14.   Where would these people be housed, where would they work?

15.   Gov. Tony Abbot said local officials first had to repair electrical wiring and plumbing systems in two shelter facilities before the government could house more people there.

16.   Kuoh has lived and worked at the old Monrovia Zoo for more than a decade, but he never thought it would house people.

17.   Mofokeng has even suggested people could be housed faster if more emphasis is put on building rental homes.

18.   Most stay in small shelters run by religious or civic groups that do not have the money to house many people.

19.   New town developments such Tung Chung and Tseung Kwan O would be redesigned to house more people.

20.   The Becora prison in the provincial capital of Dili houses people serving time for criminal offenses.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
house 0.05%
house + n. >>共 713
office 3.94%
refugee 3.54%
thousand 1.87%
family 1.67%
prisoner 1.43%
company 1.38%
collection 1.38%
homeless 1.23%
museum 1.18%
people 1.13%
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