11.   She waited for him in the hotel lobby.

12.   The hotel lobby was full of the usual hangers-on and social climbers.

13.   Time-share hucksters lurk in many hotel lobbies.

14.   We left the vast ballroom and headed for the bar in the hotel lobby.

15.   Please deposit your things in your room and return to the hotel lobby.

16.   Heads turned as the well-dressed, distinguished couple strode through the hotel lobby.

17.   She grilled him about women she saw in hotel lobbies, as if he knew each one personally.

18.   Although the dinner was private, a few guests were gracious enough to stop at the aisle of photographers and television crews that jammed the elegant hotel lobby.

19.   An aide grasped his hand as he walked slowly across a hotel lobby, smiling and gesturing.

20.   And Bill Bradley might be doing something rather different than handicapping the presidential race from a hotel lobby in Aspen.

n. + lobby >>共 216
hotel 26.88%
gun 17.20%
business 5.67%
tobacco 3.42%
farm 2.54%
industry 1.76%
bank 1.66%
theater 1.37%
small-business 1.08%
entrance 1.08%
hotel + n. >>共 691
room 28.59%
lobby 3.62%
chain 3.46%
suite 2.72%
manager 2.35%
guest 2.12%
industry 2.00%
owner 1.88%
employee 1.66%
company 1.63%
每页显示:    共 273