11.   For example, my father had grown very ill and I spent hours in the hospital with him in midtown.

12.   He was admitted to hospital with a serious infection.

13.   He was rushed into hospital with concussion.

14.   He was rushed to hospital with cerebral concussion and a smashed-up face.

15.   He was taken to hospital with a broken arm.

16.   I should add that these three incidents happened to intelligent, middle-class patients in hospitals with international reputations.

17.   Miss Tish was rushed to the hospital with internal injuries.

18.   Next came a small hospital with a reconstructive surgery unit equipped with prosthetic and orthotic appliances and other inputs.

n. + with >>共 1340
talk 3.47%
meeting 2.27%
agreement 1.58%
relationship 1.23%
interview 1.19%
tie 1.19%
people 1.14%
contact 1.13%
game 1.03%
deal 1.01%
hospital 0.22%
hospital + p. >>共 65
in 36.54%
for 19.68%
with 10.39%
after 7.00%
on 4.61%
by 2.28%
at 1.87%
from 1.81%
to 1.41%
nearby 1.34%
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