11.   The hospital should be held accountable for the quality of care it gives.

12.   Their living conditions are getting worse year by year, politicians are corrupt, often are not held accountable.

13.   This allows presidential candidates to jump on their bandwagons without being held accountable for their extreme positions.

14.   Yet investigators maintained that a crime had been committed and Moon should be held accountable.

15.   Public officials can finally be held accountable for their actions.

16.   The formal Austrian position remained that the country had been a victim of Nazi aggression and could therefore not be held accountable for such crimes.

17.   This angered opposition groups, who asserted that Suchinda and his supporters should be held accountable for the killings.

18.   Unwillingness to stand out has its roots in village life, where a community could be held accountable for the actions of one of its members.

19.   These set out prices, treatment levels and quality standards and enable purchasers to hold providers accountable for their performance.

20.   The fatwa was and remains an affront to civilised values, for which Iran should be held accountable for as long as the command stands unrescinded.

v. + accountable >>共 6
hold 93.12%
make 5.92%
keep 0.48%
find 0.24%
consider 0.12%
leave 0.12%
hold + a. >>共 241
responsible 23.11%
accountable 19.87%
steady 10.10%
captive 7.14%
liable 6.16%
high 2.76%
early 2.58%
open 2.37%
true 2.22%
scoreless 1.86%
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