11.   Meanwhile, the RTNDA teamed up with a few minority journalism groups to encourage radio and television stations to hire more minorities.

v. + minority >>共 262
target 6.82%
represent 5.68%
protect 5.56%
include 2.90%
have 2.90%
say 2.65%
help 2.40%
recruit 2.27%
bring 1.89%
persecute 1.64%
hire 1.39%
hire + n. >>共 747
worker 9.03%
lawyer 5.99%
people 5.21%
coach 3.58%
teacher 2.93%
employee 2.63%
staff 2.58%
attorney 1.63%
manager 1.56%
consultant 1.54%
minority 0.24%
每页显示:    共 11