11.   Both planes and helicopter gunships had been used.

12.   Israeli helicopter gunships also launched attacks on terrorist bases in southern Lebanon.

13.   A UNITED States helicopter gunship rained rockets and cannon fire on targets in Mogadishu early today in another attack aimed at ending gun rule in the Somali capital.

14.   US Cobra helicopter gunships swooped on one area, apparently to confine the gunmen.

15.   Also in Gaza, a senior Israeli officer was killed by a Palestinian who was subsequently shot by an Israeli helicopter gunship.

16.   American helicopter gunships circled overhead.

17.   And they can fight from the air with tank- killing Apache helicopter gunships.

18.   Arafat complained bitterly at the session about the use of helicopter gunships and anti-tank weapons by Israelis against his people.

19.   Apache helicopter gunships flew close to the Almar mountain range Tuesday morning, and Afghan troops moved further into the mountains.

20.   As if to echo the serpentine theme, more Cobra helicopter gunships kept arriving, carrying more troops, mostly Marines.

n. + gunship >>共 10
helicopter 97.54%
government 0.93%
army 0.68%
cobra 0.25%
airforce 0.17%
attack 0.08%
four-engine 0.08%
heliicopter 0.08%
operation 0.08%
special-forces 0.08%
helicopter + n. >>共 319
gunship 35.61%
pilot 6.41%
crash 5.58%
attack 4.31%
flight 3.81%
crew 3.69%
ship 1.77%
strike 1.64%
tour 1.55%
ride 1.55%
每页显示:    共 1142