11.   John Emerson, who headed the panel overseeing council district boundaries, said he believes the process was a success.

12.   Jordan was selected by President Clinton to head the panel.

13.   Judge Claude Hilton headed the panel, which included the district judges Emory Widener Jr. and Raymond Jackson.

14.   Kenneth Shaw, the Syracuse chancellor, headed the panel.

15.   President Wade also headed a panel that removed Kandji from the case.

16.   Rep. Bob Livingston, the Louisiana Republican who heads the panel, complained that the agreement was reached without consulting congressional appropriators.

17.   Rep. Harold Rogers, R-Ky., who heads the panel, asked Bromwich after he described the troubled project and several other problems at the immigration service.

18.   Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., is heading a panel investigating technology transfer.

19.   Retired prison internal affairs director John McAuliffe, who lives in Boerne, will head the panel, whose first meeting is Monday.

20.   Roth, a former chairman of the less prestigious Governmental Affairs Committee, could head another panel.

v. + panel >>共 365
set_up 9.86%
head 5.75%
create 4.32%
chair 3.15%
establish 2.81%
convene 2.60%
say 2.60%
tell 2.47%
lead 1.99%
have 1.92%
head + n. >>共 952
delegation 4.54%
team 3.62%
ball 3.35%
group 3.15%
committee 2.91%
list 2.83%
coach 2.24%
investigation 2.04%
commission 1.99%
company 1.91%
panel 1.55%
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