11.   Most agree, however, that the Super Bowl is one of the most effective ways for companies to hawk their wares.

12.   Not to mention the occasionally indecipherable approach the drug companies take to hawking their wares.

13.   On the auction site, Dell is allowing, even encouraging, users to hawk used wares ranging from computers to Palm Pilots to keyboards.

14.   On the sidewalk outside are booths where sales people hawk wares ranging from Eiffel Tower earrings to Veg-O-Matics.

15.   On Saturday morning, Desreau was busily hawking his wares in front of the Shrine Auditorium, waving Leonardo DiCaprio photos and buttons at star-struck passers-by.

16.   She is seeking the ideal Santa figure to hawk wares on the air through gift season.

17.   The company began hawking its wares at industrial fairs in other countries.

18.   The list of auctioneers hawking business wares is growing fast.

19.   The popular alternative being listed now is in fact, Charlotte, N.C., which you may remember was hawking its wares for the Giants a few years back.

20.   The publishing company has also begun hawking its wares over the Internet.

v. + ware >>共 107
sell 22.07%
hawk 8.51%
peddle 7.59%
display 7.59%
market 3.91%
advertise 3.22%
show 3.22%
offer 2.53%
promote 2.07%
buy 1.84%
hawk + n. >>共 166
ware 12.25%
product 4.64%
book 4.30%
goods 3.64%
ticket 2.65%
merchandise 2.32%
newspaper 1.99%
candy 1.32%
cigarette 1.32%
service 1.32%
每页显示:    共 37