11.   He had no visa and was sent back on the next plane to Phoenix.

12.   Her flight departs Friday, but as of Wednesday, she still had no visa.

13.   If Belgrade persists in banning the investigators, including those who already have visas, diplomats said, another noisy confrontation seems unavoidable.

14.   In the past week, correspondents from several leading US newspapers have had their visa applications rejected or delayed, raising fears of a Belgrade ban.

15.   President Vicente Fox canceled some old expulsion orders, and officials said foreigners need only have tourist visas to work as observers in Chiapas.

16.   Rosario, who attended George Washington High School in Washington Heights, N.Y., is a legal alien, while the others have visas that have expired.

17.   She still has no visa to go home.

18.   So many have flown to Miami in recent months to claim political asylum that immigration officials in April began requiring Colombians traveling through Miami to have transit visas.

19.   Some of the suspected hijackers had M visas allowing them to study in technical courses.

20.   Soon after Communism collapsed, Britain gave the Czechs a morale boost by lifting the requirement for them to have visas before entering Britain.

v. + visa >>共 159
issue 11.86%
grant 10.00%
obtain 9.14%
deny 8.27%
get 6.91%
overstay 6.73%
have 3.41%
revoke 3.09%
receive 2.82%
refuse 2.73%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
visa 0.02%
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