11.   Gone are the days when a Putnam growth fund has a portfolio to make it look like a technology sector fund, said Oristaglio.

12.   He is the one thing the Heat have to have in order to make their way against the Knicks.

13.   If she has a career, she should make sure it is as distinct from his as possible, to avoid charges of nepotism or log-rolling.

14.   If you have a surrogate making a speech for you today, are you responsible for what he says?

15.   If you have the great good fortune to make a deal, you will then be gifted with a lot of collaborators.

16.   If the Spurs had any interest in Rodman as a human being, they would make sure he got some treatment.

17.   In the eighth minute, Hamm curved a free kick around the Chinese defense and had Akers making a run to the far post.

18.   It is what Bentz does not have that makes him stand out.

19.   Lisa stayed up with the dog all night, making sure he had water.

20.   New England, if not my first home, is where I have, with a daily satisfaction and gratitude, made myself at home.

v. + make >>共 1093
use 22.37%
do 5.23%
work 3.50%
be 3.16%
can 1.99%
combine 1.78%
say 1.46%
will 1.11%
check 1.05%
fight 0.86%
have 0.67%
have + v. >>共 557
say 7.39%
have 7.16%
do 4.33%
come 4.33%
unite 2.37%
be 2.19%
make 2.02%
go 1.50%
get 1.50%
run 1.21%
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