11.   I realize now that you have to have the grades, too.

12.   In San Diego, the children of immigrants had better grades than their American peers in every grade.

13.   In South Carolina, students must prove they have good grades to get a license in the first place.

14.   It may seem unfair to white students if they have good grades but they are kept out because minority representation is considered.

15.   Jose had mediocre grades and chronic disciplinary problems until Ms. Grgas, impressed by his wit and sensing his intelligence, auditioned him for her team.

16.   Kocivar said her analysis of the numbers showed that students who entered Lowell with lower scores tended to have lower grades.

17.   Race has never been the only criterion for getting them in, they had to have the grades to make us think they could make it here.

18.   She had the grades.

19.   Students who volunteered actually had higher grades and reported being happier.

20.   The exception is students who complete community college within five years of high school graduation and who have the grades to move on to four-year colleges.

v. + grade >>共 186
make 15.69%
get 12.41%
receive 4.98%
teach 4.56%
give 3.29%
earn 3.08%
improve 2.86%
have 2.76%
enter 2.76%
start 2.65%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
grade 0%
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