11.   Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this.

12.   This will mean the vendors bear the financial risk of not being able to locate fellow vendors or finding that they have inadequate funds.

13.   In the absence of a distribution, loan or other payment from Target, Newco will have no funds out of which to pay the interest.

14.   Although federal agencies have the funds to take care of the most immediate emergency needs, money for rebuilding homes, sewer and water lines will be delayed.

15.   And Chernomyrdin conceded on Monday that the government did not have enough funds to bail out all of its troubled banks.

16.   And everyone in a town has a fund of incidental knowledge about their neighbors.

17.   And finally, amid the ongoing crisis, no one has enough funds for the elections.

18.   And then there is Fidelity, so big it has funds of every stripe investing serious amounts of money.

19.   And with help from a loan guarantee by the U.S. government, countries in the region can expect to have new funds to shop for American armaments.

20.   Apart from easing reserve requirements, the central bank may have the funds for a bailout.

v. + fund >>共 494
raise 11.19%
use 8.73%
provide 3.16%
receive 2.73%
have 2.13%
set_up 2.09%
manage 2.03%
establish 1.33%
allocate 1.24%
seek 1.20%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
fund 0.07%
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